Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Cucalorus Experience

The first event I attended was Dance-a-lorus. This particular event was an interesting way to start my experience at Cucalorus. This was my first year attending this festival and I was not sure what to expect. Dance-a-lorus started out by reminding me of my days as a dancer and having my recitals at similar stages. I even got to see one of my old school friends perform in one of the dances. Some of the dances I felt could have used more emotion but the rest provoked tons of emotion. For example, Pulse. When I saw the name in the flyer I just assumed it meant a heart pulse. I was reminded of the Pulse Room of which I did my Media Analysis on in Interactive Media. However, when the particular dance started you heard and saw the news reporting of the Pulse Nightclub. The dance provided viewers with a sense of being there during the shooting and the aftermath. Pulse ended the night in a strong, thought provoking way, leaving me speechless. As this was my first event that I attended, I was ready to explore more of what Cucalorus had to offer. Unfortunately, Cucalorus and my swim meet happened to be scheduled on the same weekend so I was rushing to get my events in so that I would make my meet on Saturday and Sunday. I decided to go to some of the feature screenings in Thalian Hall. One of my favorites that I saw was, Women Who Kill. I got to see this film with Lauren and being with a fellow student and filmmaker added to my experience. Unlike Dance-a-lorus, where I went alone, I was able to express my thoughts with Lauren about the film. We were also able to meet up with some other people like Mike, Brian, and Stan to see the following film: She's Allergic to Cats. This film reminded all of us of Holy Motors, leaving all of us confused and slightly disturbed. Each event I went to were all different and had a particular impression on me. I definitely want to go to Cucalorus again next year and hopefully I will be able to attend for more days and for more events.

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